Background: Process and Data
- In August 2014 the Board embarked on its long range facilities planning process with the following principles at its core: provide best learning environments, sustainability and stability, renewal, better, more pro-active delivery of services to students and stakeholders, more competitive, effective organization, provide best workplace for employees, lower cost of ownership to transfer investment from operations and capital to the classroom.
- In February 2015 the Board reviewed possible future school configuration scenarios (over 90 collected through public and staff feedback). In February 2016, the Board directed staff to carry out a full analysis of 50 possible future school configuration scenarios (Appendix A). These 50 scenarios were identified based on a fit analysis. The fit analysis looked at the capacity ranges of our schools and was Criteria #7 of the 16 weighted criteria to be used for analysis as identified by the Board in September 2014 (see page 4). Option N30 was added to the analysis as a result of the scenario scoring feedback period and a suggestion from the public. Data - Facilities & Financial affiliated data is provided below.
- On July 12, 2016 the Board held a Special Open Board Meeting where it resolved to consider the following schools for closure: Yahk Elementary School, Salmo Elementary School, Trafalgar Middle School, Creston Education Centre, Jewett Elementary School and Winlaw Elementary School.
- In April of 2018, the Board, the Town of Creston, and the Regional District of Central Kootenay Electoral Areas A, B and C agreed on a collaborative solution for the Creston Education Centre and associated programming:
Creston Education Centre - Statement from SD8, Town of Creston and RDCK - April 11, 2018
Consideration of School Closures Notice of Public Meetings
Draft Plan
At its Special Open Board Meeting on March 29, 2016, the Board unanimously advanced DRAFT 1 of the District’s Facilities Plan forward for public consultation from March 29 to April 30, 2016.“In the first place, we want more programs and services for students. Infra-structure can’t be addressed with current annual facilities grant funding. With empty space and aging buildings we can’t invest in learning, in classrooms. The draft plan is somewhere to start from.” Chair Lenora Trenaman.“With daunting challenges ahead: declining enrolment, government funding and aging infra-structure, the draft plan is a starting point for conversations with communities about the 5000 students we have now, and the 5000 students to come.” Trustee Curtis Bendig.“The board received 100’s of pieces of feedback from constituents as a result of the scoring feedback period and is committed to its draft plan.” Trustee Dawn Lang.“It’s a very challenging conversation and we want to hear from everyone affected in the district. Making change is hard and when we walk away after completing this work we need to work together.” Trustee Sharon Nazaroff.
Presentation – Lardeau Valley Community – April 5, 2016 Board Meeting
Presentation – South Nelson & Wildflower PAC – April 5, 2016 Board Meeting
Presentation – Winlaw and WE Graham PAC (Updated)– April 19, 2016 Board Meeting
Presentation – Village of Slocan – April 19, 2016 Board Meeting
Facilities Plan Scenario Scoring
Note: Scoring and Criteria Best printed on 11 x 17 paper
Nelson Family of Schools
Presentation (CORRECTED Slides 28 and 30)
Capacity Utilization - Scored Yes
Capacity Utilization - Scored No
Creston Family of Schools
Capacity Utilization - Scored Yes
Capacity Utilization - Scored No
Kaslo/Crawford Bay Family of Schools
Capacity Utilization - Scored Yes
Overall Scoring Sheet - Kaslo-Crawford Bay
Salmo Family of Schools
Capacity Utilization - Scored Yes
Slocan Valley Family of Schools
Summary of April 18, 2016 Meeting at WEGraham
Capacity Utilization -Scored Yes
Capacity Utilization - Scored No
Scenario Suggestions - Board Working Session for Publishing - 2015 01 27.pdf
Scenario Suggestions - Board Working Session for Publishing - 2015 02 10.pdf
Presentations - Public Consultation #2
SD8 Facilities Planning - Session 2 Crawford Bay - Public Presenation DATA - 2014 12 08.pdf
SD8 Facilities Planning - Session 2 Kaslo - Public Presenation DATA - 2014 12 02.pdf
SD8 Facilities Planning - Session 2 Nelson - Public Presenation DATA - 2014 12 01.pdf
SD8 Facilities Planning - Session 2 Salmo - Public Presenation DATA - 2014 11 26.pdf
SD8 Facilities Planning - Session 2 Creston - Public Presenation DATA - 2014 11 24.pdf
SD8 Facilities Planning - Session 2 Slocan Valley North - Public Presenation DATA - 2014 11 19.pdf
SD8 Facilities Planning - Session 2 Slocan Valley South - Public Presenation DATA - 2014 11 16.pdf
Sd8 Facilities Planning - Session 1 - Public Consultation.pdf
Data - Facilities/Financials
Deferred Maintenance Costs by Seat 14-15 and Sq M - 2014 01 08.pdf
Deferred Maintenance Costs by Seat 14-15 and Sq M - Graph - 2015 01 08.pdf
Deferred Maintenance Costs by Seat 14-15 if 100 Utilized - 2014 11 24.pdf
Capacity Utilization - 12 Year - Nominal - Creston Family of Schools - 2014 11 16.pdf
Capacity Utilization - 12 Year - Nominal - Kaslo-Crawford Bay Family of Schools - 2014 11 16.pdf
Capacity Utilization - 12 Year - Nominal - Nelson Family of Schools - 2014 11 16.pdf
Capacity Utilization - 12 Year - Nominal - Salmo Family of Schools - 2014 11 16.pdf
Capacity Utilization - 12 Year - Nominal - Slocan Family of Schools - 2014 11 16.pdf
2014-2015 Matrix - Out of Catchment Data - LB - 2015 01 09.pdf
Research - Educational
- Deepening the Learning in School District #8 – January 27th Presentation to the Budget Stakeholder Engagement Committee
- 21st Century Schools – Learning Environments of the Future
- The Future of the Physical Learning Environment (OECD)
- Learning Environments of the Future
- The Future of Learning – Edutopia
- The Future of Learning Environments
- The Ecology of the Learning Environment
- What Schools of the Future Could Look Like