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The wisdom, values and experiences of our communities and stakeholders create a context for our operations. The Board of Education of School District 8 - Kootenay Lake recognizes the importance of contributions from stakeholders and our community. Our committee structure incudes three standing Partner Advisory Committees, bringing together the Board of Education with stakeholders on the topics of Education, Finance and Operations and Policy. Additional working committees are established as needed.

Access the Meetings and Minutes for: 


1. The Board establishes committees and appoints committee members for a variety of purposes. The Chair may appoint an ad hoc committee of the Board where deemed advisable and ad hoc committees will report back to the entire Board.

2. Each committee will review its purpose, decision making model, input process, and decision making/voting procedure at its initial meeting each year. The Board recognizes that each committee may need to follow different processes to work within its mandate and terms of reference.

3. Committees will provide minutes and/or reports at subsequent Board meetings to be received and filed as information.

4. At the first Regular Board Meeting in November following the Board’s inauguration, the Chair shall announce the members and representatives to active committees for the ensuing 24 months. At the last meeting in November of the following year, the Chair shall announce the new committee and representative appointments for the remaining 24 months of the Board's electoral term.

5. Trustees who are not appointed members of a Board committee may attend as observers. 

Review POLICY 121: Committee Structure