Board of Education Highlights - November 12, 2024
An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit .
Trustee Positions and Appointments
The Board held elections for trustee positions. Chair Dawn Lang and Vice-Chair Julie Bremner were re-elected by acclamation to serve a second one-year term leading the Board. Other elections by acclamation included Trustee Susan Chew as Provincial Councillor for the B.C. School Trustees Association with Trustee Kathy Etheridge as alternate; and Trustee Sharon Nazaroff as B.C. Public School Employers’ Association representative with Trustee Murray Shunter as alternate.
Numeracy Continuous Learning Report 2024-2025
Assistant Superintendent Deanna Holitzki and District Principal Tamara Malloff presented the Numeracy Continuous Learning Report, emphasizing a research-based approach to numeracy improvement. This year’s initiatives include math fairs, district-wide assessments, and action items focusing on equity in numeracy success, particularly among priority learners such as Indigenous students and children in care.
SD8 Recruitment and Retention Action Plan Update
Director Singh updated the Board on the district’s Recruitment and Retention Framework and actions related to it. He highlighted successful staffing outcomes and new initiatives for workforce engagement. Collaborations with local teacher education programs have broadened the district’s applicant pool, resulting in full staffing levels for teachers and educational assistants. The district is exploring career opportunities for high school students, with plans to connect with other districts to research best practices.
Winter Celebrations
Superintendent Smillie announced the schedule for winter celebrations set to take place at schools across the district throughout December. Trustees will receive invitations to attend events at schools within their electoral areas, and families will be invited through their schools.
Student Trustee Updates
Student Trustees reported on recent school activities:
Student Trustee Thea Solarik: L.V. Rogers Secondary: Hosted a Remembrance Day ceremony and celebrated Halloween with a variety of events, including a pumpkin carving contest.
Student Trustee Bo Ashe: Kootenay River Secondary students and student leaders thank SD8 staff for organizing the Student Leadership Conference. KRSS recently has held a spirit week and a Remembrance Day assembly featuring guest speakers, and artwork around the school.
Student Trustees Daisy Lamoureux and Emmerson Zuk: J.V. Humphries Elementary-Secondary Celebrated Halloween with a costume parade and talent show and hosted a Remembrance Day assembly with student presentations. A Student Parliament member has been presenting at a school assembly monthly on various topics. Trustees Lamoureux and Zuk also emceed the Student Leadership Conference and feedback was that students involved got a lot out of the event. JVH also hosted a girls’ volleyball tournament, a rare opportunity given the distance of JVH as a small rural school from other schools in the district.
These highlights exclude confidential information such as business negotiations, personnel issues and legal matters. For other information or to provide feedback, please contact our Communications & Engagement Manager at 250-352-6681 or
About School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake): Our mission is to inspire and support each learner to thrive in a caring learning environment. We are located in the southern Interior of British Columbia and serve numerous diverse communities in the Kootenays including Crawford Bay, Creston, Kaslo, Meadow Creek, Nelson, Salmo, Slocan, South Slocan, Winlaw, Wynndel, and Yahk. We also serve students across B.C. through our provincial online learning school, Elev8. Our dedicated team focuses on providing the best possible educational opportunities for about 4,700 students and their families.