Board Highlights - February 11, 2025
An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit .
Connected Learners Continuous Learning Report 2024-2025
Director Eaton presented the Connected Learners Continuous Learning Report 2024-2025, which focuses on program development, educator training, and community partnerships, with an emphasis on environmental education and sustainability.
The report highlights student learning data, district-wide initiatives, and strategies for fostering ecologically-minded, critical thinkers actively engaged in their communities. Student Trustee Gretchen and Mount Sentinel Secondary (MSS) Principal Maloff shared two student-produced videos from the 2024-2025 Student Leadership Conference and showcased the MSS Academy of Performance and Media Program.
International Education Annual Report 2024-2025
District Principal Tamblyn presented the 2024-2025 International Education Annual Report, which supports students in three academic pathways: graduation, co-validation, and cultural experience. The program has successfully integrated international students into SD8 schools and communities, maintained a robust homestay program, developed and implemented a new website, and contributing both culturally and economically to the local community. Planned enhancements include ongoing marketing and student recruitment strategies and expanded partnerships. International Education includes language proficiency requirements and assessments before students enrol, to ensure they are prepared to engage in classroom learning.
Board Authority Authorized Course Approval
The Board approved Dungeons and Dragons 10/11/12 as a Board Authority Authorized (BAA) course. The course is designed to enhance soft skills through game design and storytelling, allowing students to engage in a role-playing game (RPG) while also learning about 3D printing, map production, and interactive world-building activities that touch on various B.C. curriculum areas.
BAA courses are locally developed and meet the needs and interests of students and the broader community. Students may earn elective credits towards graduation by successfully completing BAA courses.
2023-2024 First Time Graduation Rates and Six-Year Completion Rates
Superintendent Smillie presented the 2023-2024 graduation and completion rates, which show positive trends across all student groups, particularly for Indigenous students and students with diverse abilities. The district’s strategies for student success include individualized graduation plans, dual credit partnerships, and targeted supports for learners with diverse abilities. The Board expects these trends to continue improving with ongoing initiatives.
2024-2025 Amended Annual Budget Approved
Secretary-Treasurer MacArthur presented the amended annual budget, reflecting updates based on the September 2024 enrolment count and other financial adjustments. The revised budget accounts for increased revenues and expenditures, while maintaining a strong financial position.
Policy Changes
All policies are available on the SD8 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures page.
Draft policies approved for field testing:
Policy 410: School Choice and Catchment
Policies approved:
Policy 112: Governing Principles
Policy 130: Trustee Code of Conduct
Policy 160: Policy Development
Policy 173: Climate Action and Sustainability
Student Trustee Reports
Mount Sentinel Secondary (Student Trustees Gretchen and Metcalfe)
Mount Sentinel students completed a murder mystery project as part of the Academy of Performance and Media Program. The school also collaborated with outdoor education and culinary arts programs on the ORCA initiative. The hot lunch program has expanded, providing more students with access to meals. The Academy will host a screening at the Capitol Theatre on June 9-10.
J.V. Humphries (Student Trustee Lamoureux)
J.V. Humphries students focused on the theme of interconnectedness, participating in buddy class activities and science projects to foster school unity. Black History Month content has been incorporated into English and Social Studies classes. Outdoor education is thriving, with students engaging in skiing and engaging in avalanche training.
L.V. Rogers Secondary (Student Trustee Solarik)
LVR students are preparing for Spirit Leadership Week and showcasing art projects at the Nelson Public Library. The basketball team recently participated in a local tournament.
Kootenay River Secondary (Student Trustee Lecompte and Ashe)
KRSS students are settling into second-semester classes and working on fundraising initiatives, including a candy and pancake sale to support hygiene kits for the public library.
These highlights exclude confidential information such as business negotiations, personnel issues and legal matters. For other information or to provide feedback, please contact our Communications & Engagement Manager at 250-352-6681 or
About School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake): Our mission is to inspire and support each learner to thrive in a caring learning environment. We are located in the southern Interior of British Columbia and serve numerous diverse communities in the Kootenays including Crawford Bay, Creston, Kaslo, Meadow Creek, Nelson, Salmo, Slocan, South Slocan, Winlaw, Wynndel, and Yahk. We also serve students across B.C. through our provincial online learning school, Elev8. Our dedicated team focuses on providing the best possible educational opportunities for about 4,700 students and their families.