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Board Highlights - September 12, 2023

An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit

Feeding Futures Funding

Director of Instruction, Deanna Holitzki presented information to the Board of Education about Feeding Futures a new, provincially funded program for school districts to create or expand local food programs for financially vulnerable students in schools. 

SD8 has received $644,263 for the 2023-2024 school year to buy food for vulnerable students and to hire new staff to buy and coordinate food distribution to students. Funds are to be used to purchase food and kitchen equipment, as well as to hire staff to co-ordinate food programs in the district including purchasing food and providing meals and snacks to students. At least 30% of food provided or sold to students must be BC grown.

The program is not designed to be a universal program for all students, but to support academic success as well as social development of vulnerable students.

The program builds on two other programs that address food equity for all students: the 2022-2023 Student and Family Affordability Fund and the broader provincial Feed BC Program through the Ministry of Education and Child Care and the Ministry of Agriculture. 

2022-2023 Audited Financial Statements Approved

Interim Secretary-Treasurer Cathy MacArthur introduced auditor Kayla Northcote from BDO Canada LLP who presented the 2022-2023 Audited Financial Statements to the Board of Education.

The Board approved the appropriation of the accumulated surplus for the Operating Fund and Capital Fund as stated in note 20 of the audited financial statements of the year ended June 30, 2023, and the Board approved the Audited Financial Statements and Financial Discussion & Analysis for the year ended June 30, 2023.

See our Financial Reports and Information for all financial statements.

Statement of Financial Information (SOFI)

In compliance with the Financial Information Act, Interim Secretary-Treasurer Cathy MacArthur presented the Statement of Financial Information to the Board of Education. The SOFI report is available on on our Financial Reports and Information page.

Student Trustee Program

Director of Instruction, Ben Eaton presented information to the Board about the 2023-2024 Student Trustee Program. He highlighted that education values the importance of student leadership and the contribution our students make to the learning process. Student Trustees are selected annually and may serve up to a two-year term beginning in their Grade 11 year. Two Student Trustees will represent each high school in SD8. To be selected for the position, the student must:

  • Be a student in School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake)
  • Be in Grade 11 or 12 of the school year in which they hold the position
  • Have parental/guardian consent (if under 19 years of age)

See the Student Trustee Guidelines 2023-2024 for more information.

All 2023-2004 student trustees will be introduced at the next Board of Education Meeting Held in Public on October 20, 2023.

These highlights exclude confidential information such as business negotiations, personnel issues and legal matters. For other information or to provide feedback, please contact our Public Engagement Manager at 250-505-7005 or