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Creston Family of Schools


Wreaths of red poppies and colourful flowers on grey dais on gymnasium floor

Adam Robertson Elementary

Remembrance Day at ARES

On Thursday, November 10th, ARES students and parents gathered in the gym for a special assembly in honour of Remembrance Day. We were impressed with the respect our students demonstrated as they quietly entered and sat through a series of special performances, emceed by Grade 7 students, Lane Maddess and Tyler Vigna... 

Learn more in the ARES Family Newsletter


Canyon-Lister Elementary

Worry Monsters

In November, our Be the Change students focused on water issues: the importance of clean water for healthy communities. They constructed wooden Christmas stocking holders to sell by donation in order to raise money for Water First, an organization that supports Indigenous communities in addressing water challenges.

Our classes have also been buddying up for different projects, such as the Grade 4 class doing buddy reading with the K/1 class, and the Grade 5/6/7 class working on an art/ADST (Applied Design Skills and Technology) "worry monsters" project together.

Elementary school children lined up at school kitchen service window to get hot breakfast

Erickson Elementary

Breakfast Time!

Thanks to volunteers and to the Family Equity Fund, our school breakfast is up and running three days a week. About 80 students each morning receive free food, like pancakes, muffins or toast.  All students are free to participate. This encourages equity and inclusion of all and ensures students are not hungry when they start their learning day. 


Wildflower Creston

Engineering Experiments

At Wildflower Creston we took advantage of the snow to inspire some STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) activities. Indoor "snow forts" were created from various materials that were tested with a "snow" ball to see if they could withstand it. Most survived fairly well! The students also built a variety of snow things outside in the snow. Spelt gingerbread making also took place together as part of ADST (Applied Design Skills and Technology).


Kootenay River Secondary

Congratulations to Kootenay River Bulldogs and Supporters!

This past week, from November 29th to December 3rd, the Kootenay River Boys Volleyball team competed in the AA Boys Volleyball Provincial Championships in Victoria B.C. This event brought together the top 16 teams from throughout the province.

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Salmo Family of Schools



Salmo Elementary

In Remembrance

Students and staff at Salmo Elementary School recognized Remembrance Day on Thursday Nov. 10 with an assembly and an art walk. 

All classes learned about the importance of Remembrance Day, and the meaning it has to us as Canadians. Students then created various pieces of art which was displayed throughout the gym during the assembly. 

There were multiple music performances hosted by Ms. Nieva-Carter and the students did a wonderful job! 

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Orange horizontal rectangle with red polygon to the left with image of little Caucasian girl in braids drinking a green glass with a straw. To the right is white text that reads, Power Full Kids.

Salmo Secondary

Yes, There Are Free Lunches

In the spring of 2022, Salmo Secondary’s Foods teacher, Ms. McGuire, was a successful applicant of the President's Choice Children's Charity Power Full Kids grant program.  Through this grant, Salmo Secondary, was awarded $4000 to go towards our lunch program in the 22/23 school year.  The goal of the grant is to provide students with a free lunch, four days a week, throughout the school year.  Under Ms. McGuire’s supervision, our current Grade 11/12 class is preparing and serving the lunches.  Students from that class were all successful recipients of their FoodSafe certificate as part of the program.  We are in the second week of the program and it has had overwhelming success.  We have been averaging approx. 50 lunches a day and have yet to have any leftovers! 

This program lines up very nicely with our school goal of generosity from the Circle of Courage.  The connection between our senior students, who are serving the food, and our younger students has been incredible to watch.  

Nelson Family of Schools


Teal green circle with white tree of life inside and to the right outside the circle, grey text that reads South Nelson Elementary.

South Nelson Elementary

Community Visits for Social and Emotional Learning

In Mrs. Crosland & Ms. Long's grade ½ classroom we have been working on building relationships, getting out into our community and teaching core competencies. Our aim is to help students develop intellectual, personal, social and emotional learning while connecting to space and place (their community) in hopes of helping students to engage in deep, lifelong learning.

In the month of September, we visited Kokanee Park to learn about the life cycle of the salmon, and we also visited our local library where each student got their own library card. We have plans in the next coming weeks to visit the fire department, police station and the Chamber of Commerce.

As well as getting out into our community we also play daily outside where we are practicing social skills like sharing how we feel, using kind words and being active listeners.  

Walking Wednesdays Lead to Grape Juice!

Ms. Finnie’s Grade 2-3 class has been engaging in so many fun activities since the beginning of the school year. Our class is dedicated to going out for Walking Wednesdays every week where we get to learn, play and meet our neighbors in this beautiful landscape we call home. This fall our class went to a neighboring friends’ house to pick grapes off of their grapevines as the bears were starting to get an appetite for them.

Students learned about estimation and skip counting as they washed and de-steamed the grapes. Students then processed the grapes and made juice for the whole class to enjoy. The students also made enough juice to be able to give a few jars back to the family who gave us the grapes.

These learning experiences also connect with our school-determined goal - Students will develop further awareness of - and take responsibility for - our social, physical, and natural environments by working independently and collaboratively for the benefit of others, our community, and the environment.

Two elementary aged girls standing in a hallway in front of a wall collage holding a bag of recycled paper between them.

Hume Elementary

Hume Recycling

Hume students have just successfully gotten their paper recycling pilot up and running at the school.  A thank you to Ms. Hammerich’s class, who’s students are going around on Friday to collect paper from all the classes to eliminate this stream of waste from our trash stream. Nice work everyone!

Students in a room in a school

Redfish Elementary

Grateful for Volunteers

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”

At Redfish School we are so thankful to have a number of volunteers enriching the school experience for our students.  We have parents and grandparents reading with children, supporting our breakfast program, providing electives such as cooking classes and workshops making lotions, working at our Scholastic Book Fair, teaching children how to play chess just to name a few things!

Working together to support our students sends them such a powerful message.  We are grateful for our numerous volunteers who enrich our school community!

A textured piece of art showing poppies and grass in foreground and black birds and blue sky in the background

Rosemont Elementary

Lest We Forget

On November 10th, Rosemont School hosted a very honourable and respectful Remembrance Day assembly.  Students presented poems, listened to Veteran stories, sang songs of peace, held a minute of silence and 'planted' poppies, all in the name of Remembrance and Peace. 

Three elementary students standing on a mound of dirt in front of their school

Wildflower Nelson

Remembrance Day Ceremony

A highlight for our school this month was our Remembrance Day ceremony. It was a goal of the school community to put forth a thoughtful "heart-first" school gathering.

There were touches throughout the ceremony that were distinctly Wildflower. Our newly formed Choir Club lead the school in the singing of "Oh Canada." All veterans were remembered including our Indigenous veterans.

Superintendent Trish Smillie attended our event and bagpiper Allan MacLeod shared a song. The Seedlings class also gave two incredible performances, and in the last they were joined with the whole school community.

Besides this event, each class at Wildflower grades 2-9 have a leadership group who works with the teacher as well as volunteers to take on initiatives to deepen in class learning and other initiatives including giving back. Peer supports on the playground is yet another example of how Wildflower staff, students and families are focused a collaborative approach in our school.

Two children shaking hands across a chessboard after a game while two other children continue to play in the background. In an elementary school setting with bookcases against a back wall and light streaming in from a window in the background.

Blewett Elementary

Join the Club!


Two clubs are well underway at Blewett Elementary School. Ms. Nelson has been meeting every Wednesday at long recess with kids who want to learn how to knit. I wonder who can knit the longest scarf?

On Thursdays, Mr. Konken leads the chess club. We had a whopping 18 students come out for our first session and the kids left excited to be learning some new mini games on the chess board. We will eventually have a chess tournament with prizes.

Learn more in the Principal's Blog


Trafalgar Middle School

Holiday Spirit and Athletic Endeavours

Trafalgar is in the holiday spirit with a number of events organized by our Students’ Council:  door decorating, holiday class photos, ugly sweater day, Christmas carol competition.  We also have basketball season starting up with a number teams starting to practice and play.  Classes are also curling, skating, sledding and enjoying our early winter.

Group of students kneeling and standing in formation with black outfits and red poppies on their lapels in school band room.

L.V. Rogers Secondary

LV Rogers' Remembrance Day service was held the morning of November 10 in the LVR gym. The service attended by LVR staff and students as well as special guest community members, Trustee Bremner and Brian Koster from the Royal Canadian Legion - Nelson Branch. 

The service began with a heartfelt presentation by Mr. Brian Koster from the Royal Canadian Legion who presented to the students about the history of the Legion, why we wear a poppy and the significance of Remembrance Day. This was followed by a poem and a presentation by LVTV acknowledging the fallen soldiers of LV Rogers alumni during World War 1 and World War 2.

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Bombers Play Hard at Provincials, Make Everyone Proud

A huge shout out to the Bombers Senior Girls Volleyball team players; coaches Stacie Proctor, Katie Wayling and Sarah Moncks; volunteers and families who made it to the BC High School AAA Girls Volleyball Championships on December 3 in Lake Country.

The girls played their hearts out and defeated South Kamloops in their final consolation round, ending strong in a great season of play. 

Great job everyone! The Nelson Daily also wrote a great piece about the team.


Kaslo & Crawford Bay Families of Schools


Textile penguin cutout on blue and white background with white snowflake showing.

Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary

Museum Visit and More

Inspired by the October Pro D day, Ms. Lanaway at CBESS organized some sessions with the Creston Museum.

The Grade 7-8 class received a fantastic lesson on the history of the Creston Valley, including its original shape, before dyking and farming began. Historic simple machines were brought here and explored with the students for a full experience of the equipment used in the changes of the valley...

Learn more in the Principal's Update


J.V. Humphries School and Jewett Elementary


This month at JVH and Jewett, there have been a number of events that have highlighted the interconnected nature of our schools and communities.  For both schools, there are a number of relationships and events that are extremely helpful to their functioning, and that strengthen the connections in a way that help them thrive.  School connections is one of our 3 main goals this year; for us that means connections within the school, and with the broader community.

Learn more in the Principal's Blog

Slocan Valley Family of Schools


Children gathered around a table sorting pumpkin seeds from a bowl to a cookie sheet for drying.

W.E. Graham Community School


Madame Gardner’s class has been making pottery, baking pies, and learning about animals in preparation for their Predator-Prey outdoor game!

Here’s a pic from their pumpkin seed collection.

Snowy and sunny scene from above showing snow-covered tree in foreground and treed mountain with ski runs in the background, and cloudcover in the valley in the middleground

Winlaw Elementary

Now that winter is fully upon us, students are enjoying sliding and building creations in the snow!  I thank Grade 4/5 Teacher Linda Out and Grade 5/6 Teacher Koan Ellis for their learning highlight this month...

Learn more in the Principal's Message

Wall-mounted homemade banner with dark grey background and multi-coloured lettering in foreground that reads, "Learning in a winter wonderland." Cutouts of prayer flags at top corners, snowglobes in middle and trees at bottom corners.

Brent Kennedy Elementary

Craft Days, Indoor Soccer and More

This past week, our Craft Days began, led by Ms. Koorbatoff and Ms. Long.  There was a great response from the intermediate students.  All students that are interested are welcome to attend.

Ms. McRann continues to do indoor soccer twice per week and Mr. McRann does volleyball with the intermediate students...

Learn more in the Principal's Blog


Mount Sentinel Secondary

End of Term Foods Cook-Off

Ms. Skand’s Foods 9/10 class was busy preparing for the end of quarter 1 and the end of their Italian cooking unit. The culminating demonstration of learning was the popular “cook-off.” The chef’s enjoyed preparing chicken marinara, spaghetti and meatballs, lasagna, risotto, Italian soda and tiramisu to name just a few of the dishes.  The staff food judges especially enjoyed sampling “cibo delizioso” and providing feedback to the chefs.

Find out more about MSS athletics, woodshop, a museum night celebration of learning in our...

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