Creston Family of Schools

Erickson Elementary
Winter Spirit and Celebration in December
Last week of school in December held a lot of activities to invoke spirit, inclusion and celebration. Monday was Red and Green day. Tuesday was Sweater day (ugly, festive, fancy - all were accepted).

Canyon-Lister Elementary
Winter Concert Rocks!
Our whole school Winter Concert was a hit on December 12th! Our StrongStart children and families performed two songs, their very first time on a stage and in a concert.

Adam Robertson Elementary
Green Grinch Bingo!
Our primary students enjoyed a day of Grinch-focused activities on Friday, December 9th. They wore green clothes, made Grinch hats, played Grinch Bingo and joined together in the gym for an afternoon movie ~ How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It was a very GREEN day!
Salmo Family of Schools

Salmo Elementary
Winter Concert!
The Salmo Elementary Winter concert and sing along was a great success! After several years of hosting digital events, it was so wonderful to have an in-person concert. With overwhelming outpouring of support from parents, grandparents and the community, we were able to fill our gym and it was standing room only!
Kaslo and Crawford Bay Families of Schools

J.V. Humphries School
Annual Holiday Hamper Fundraiser
This year JVH held a fundraiser from Monday to Friday, December 5th to the 16th. Senior students scheduled themselves for 60 minute shifts outside the Front Street Market. 38 shifts of dedicated students, who volunteered during their busy school day and made up the work they missed from class, raised in excess of $3800!

Follow the yellow brick road...
J.V. Humphries students in the Drama Exploratory class participated a wildly successful production of "OZ" on December 12-14 at the JVH Lighthouse Theatre.

Crawford Bay Elementary Secondary
Spirit Days Every Other Wednesday
Our grades 7-9 leadership class is currently working on strategies to improve school morale and help connect all of our students across the grade groups.
Nelson Family of Schools

Wildflower Nelson
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
December classes continue to learn, create, craft, sing, play, and celebrate the season, and we are continuing to get better and better at coming together as a school community for our monthly assemblies.
In December, we saw more student engagement as students begin to take more leadership within the school. This is a role that I very much look forward in fostering into 2023, to build our kids resilience, articulate their learning, and share in where they want to go next!

South Nelson Elementary
Recycling Rocks!
Last school year, in conjunction with SD8 Operations and our waste disposal and recycling service provider, Waste Management, South Nelson took on a pilot project to bring back mixed paper recycling at the school level.
Our grades 4/5 recycling team does a weekly collection through the whole school, sorts through the recycling containers to note and remove any contaminants, and delivers the mixed paper to the outdoor bin. Two staff members are involved in overseeing and dumping the collection and each week. Our hope is for this pilot to set an example of a manageable school-based system while also educating our school community about commercial and household recycling and reduction of waste.
Slocan Valley Family of Schools

Brent Kennedy Elementary
Littlest Christmas Tree a Big Success!
Brent Kennedy Elementary's production of the Littlest Christmas Tree was a huge success!
The gym was full at 1:30 p.m. on both December 14 and 15 and it was standing room only at concert time.

Winlaw Elementary
Winlaw Winter Wonders
December was filled with many fun and heartfelt winter celebrations!
Our Winlaw Student Leadership group ran popcorn fundraisers each Tuesday through November and December to raise money to donate to the W.E.Graham Slocan Valley Community Services Winter Holiday Hamper program. The funds raised provided dinner and gifts to two families this holiday.
The Student Leadership group also organized a food collection in each class that was donated to the Slocan Valley Food Bank. Our students also created beautiful cards with holiday wishes that were given to seniors during the Annual Slocan Seniors Holiday Tea held on December 21st.
On December 16th, we held our Winlaw Winter Concert where classes sang or performed a medley of winter songs and poems. It was such a joy to see the gym filled with parents, siblings, and grandparents enjoying the performances!