Creston Family of Schools

Erickson Elementary
During our assemblies that occur twice per month, various classes take the opportunity to lead. In April, Ms. Youngs K/1 class had this opportunity. They led the school in "Oh Canada" by singing it while they signed it...
Wildflower Creston
Transitions into Kindergarten as well as into secondary school are important for the success of our students. We are beginning activities for both transitions into Kindergarten this month, via our monthly Play Our Way to K sessions though the Strengthening Early Years to Kindergarten program, as well as sessions to support our Grade 7 students as they move into Grade 8.
Grade 7 students will be visiting KRSS this month and next to meet with students to learn more about life in high school. These transition activities help to prepare students and families for the next stage of their educational journey in SD8.
Thanks to our KRSS students and staff, Grade 7 elementary teachers and staff, SEY2KT coordinator Simone Stanley, Creston elementary schools and Kindergarten staff for helping students in this important transition.

Adam Robertson Elementary
Learning Fair
ARES was a busy place on April 25th and 26th, the two early dismissal days, as students toured their families around for our Learning Fair. Upon entry, each student was given a special ticket, with the goal to take their caregivers to FIVE locations: The gym, our Fine Arts room, the STEM space, Library, and their own classroom. At each destination, there were activities to partake in and their tickets were stamped...
Learn more in the ARES Family Newsletter

Canyon Lister Elementary
Preparing for Powwow
As we approach the SD8 Powwow on May 19, 2023, Indigenous students have been working hard on their regalia at school. They will also have the opportunity to participate in dance and drumming lessons on Wednesdays for five weeks...

Kootenay River Secondary
May is Mental Health Month
Mental health is described as one’s emotional, physiological, and social well being. At Kootenay River Secondary we are beginning to take the mental health of the student and staff body incredibly seriously. To create awareness, the Aboriginal Education Program has taken steps towards mending students' mental state and overall well being...
Salmo Family of Schools

Salmo Elementary
Spring Term Planning Underway
Thanks to everyone who completed the 2022/23 Student Learning Survey. Your feedback will help us develop plans for the next school year. Don't forget that the Draft SD8 Strategic Plan is now available for review and comments at EngageSD8, our online engagement site until May 8, 2023.

Salmo Secondary
Congratulations to Salmo Secondary Students Ruby and Lukas for their winning posters in Interior Health Authority's Take a Breath: Teen Voices on Tabacco and Vaping poster contest!
Kaslo and Crawford Bay Families of Schools

J.V. Humphries Elementary-Secondary
JVH Movie Night!
JVH invited students to a special movie night on Friday, April 28 in the JVH lighthouse and played “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs”. Doors opened at 5:30 p.m. and the movie started at 6:00. There were baked goods and popcorn for sale inside and a great time was had by all!

Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary
CBESS PAC 2nd Annual Plant Sale
You can join the CBESS PAC on Saturday May 13 from 10:00am-3:00pm at the CBESS School Garden (N/W corner of main building) for a coordinated PAC fundraiser and community garden event.
Nelson Family of Schools

Wildflower Nelson
April Awakening
With spring comes the excitement of finding new shoots, seeing what overwintered, and what has volunteered in the many beautiful garden beds at Wildflower.
Every class is involved in growing food or flowers for pollinators or even growing a shelter...

South Nelson Elementary
Instant Summer
Wow! We have instant summer. Students and families should remember to dress for the sun, as classes will be outside more at this time of year enjoying our beautiful community. Find out more about South Nelson Elementary happenings and key dates in our online news!

Redfish Elementary
Earth Day Hooray!
On Thursday, April 20, Redfish School was out in the neighbourhood for the annual community clean up. This year the students worked in their multi-age groups to clean up the playground and the neighbourhood, plant pumpkin seeds for the school pumpkin patch, and create bird feeders using nature-based materials to feed the local birds.

Rosemont Elementary
Earth Day Celebration
Earth Day was a big celebration at Rosemont School! We aligned our Earth Day messages with our Poetry month to create a 'Poetree' where all students showcased their earth poems.

Blewett Elementary
Mulch, Mulch, Mulch, Mulch!
Blewett Elementary will be selling good quality mulch to the public from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 27th!
Proceeds will go to benefit kids' activities, food subsidy programs, year-end field trips and more.

Hume Elementary
School to Celebrate 100 Years In June
Above the front entrance to Hume Elementary School the year “1923” is emblazoned in concrete along with the school’s name. This year marks the hundredth anniversary since the building was first opened and students filed into classrooms to learn to read, write, and do arithmetic at their wooden desks. On June 1, students will join teachers, staff, families, and the entire school community to celebrate Hume Elementary, its history and its future.

Trafalgar Middle School
April has been a busy month for Trafalgar! With an ArtStarts grant, our students are helping with the Yaksumit canoe project. The school is buzzing with many courses, activities and projects...

L.V. Rogers Secondary
LVR Green Team Earth Day Event 2023
On Sunday, April 23, the LVR High School Green Team along with support from members of the West Kootenay Climate Hub held an Earth Day event at the Nelson Innovation Centre from 2:00 - 4:00 pm.

LVR Band Receives Silver Rating in Kelowna!
The LV Rogers Jazz Band participated in the BC Interior Jazz Festival held April 15 and 16 in Kelowna. The Band performed in the Kelowna festival and received a Silver Rating in their class category!
Slocan Valley Family of Schools

Winlaw Elementary
April Learning Highlights
In an April project in Grade 4/5/6, students chose famous, historical, or influential Black Canadians and Americans to study and create a slideshow to present. The students connected with athletes, musicians, professionals, and social activists: Viola Desmond, Willie O'Ree, Ice Cube, The Rock, Claudette Colvin, Donavan Bailey and Steph Curry to name a few.

Brent Kennedy Elementary
Enjoying the Sunshine (and Grass)
Last full week of April! Our school community is certainly enjoying the warmer weather. We even had a visit from a group of elk this morning in our field.

W.E. Graham Community School
We’re starting to see the signs of spring! Although it seems a little tenuous. The snow has cleared from the field. Yesterday was so fun to watch the VWP kids playing soccer while so many other kids were on the playground...