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Students must scan their bus pass each time they enter onto or exit off the bus.


Bus Passes are Mandatory

Every student who is registered for SD8 bussing services receives a bus pass in the form of a hard plastic card.

If you have received an email confirming bus registration but do not have a bus pass, please inquire with your school office. 

      Please hold onto your bus pass over the summer!

  • Students registered for transportation in will continue to use their bus pass annually.
  • Students new to SD8 bussing will have a bus pass delivered to their school for September startup.

Student Safety

In the event we have a missing child the transportation department can look up the location where the student entered and exited the bus in real time.  Bus pass scans also provide the school with an accurate list of riders, should the bus be involved in an emergency. 

Forgotten Bus Pass

If a student forgets his/her bus pass at home

  • Report the forgotten pass to the school office
  • The school will issue the student a bus pass exemption slip*, which will be given to the driver. *The student may not board the bus in the afternoon without this slip.

Ensure this is done when you first get to school to avoid missing the bus in the afternoon if the office is busy! 

Lost or Damaged Bus Pass

If a bus pass is lost, damaged, or no longer scans

  • A student/parent reports to the school office that they have lost or damaged their pass.  The office will request a new pass from the district transportation department.
  • The school will issue the student a bus pass exemption slip* for the lost pass, which will be given to the driver. The student may not board the bus in the afternoon without either a pass or exemption slip.
  • Damaged cards may be held and used until the replacement arrives.

Ensure this is done when you first get to school to avoid missing the bus in the afternoon if the office is busy! 

  • The student will be issued a new bus pass once it arrives at the school.  A damaged or defective card must be surrendered to the office at this time.