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Important Dates!

District Application deadline for 2023/2024 is Friday, April 19, 2024 (schools may be setting their own application deadlines)

Adjudication Dates for 2023/2024 are May 6, 7, 8, 9, 2024

2023/2024 Scholarship & Graduation Program Information Nights

Past Scholarship Information Night Recordings from 2022/2023

  • Three Year Grad Plan (3YGP) Family Information Night: Overview of 3YGP for Parents and Students -RECORDING
  • Scholarship Information Night: Overview of what to expect during scholarship adjudication for parents and student - RECORDING
  • 2022/2023 District Dogwood Scholarship Presentation - PowerPoint


Types of Scholarships

District/Authority Scholarships

District Authority Scholarships are offered by the BC Ministry of Education to recognize graduating BC students for excellence in their chosen areas of interest and strength. The scholarships are intended to help students pursue post-secondary education.

The Ministry will allocate 5500 awards distributed across school districts and independent school authorities that recognize graduating BC students for excellence in their chosen areas of interest or strength. The award is a $1250 voucher that can be used toward post-secondary education tuition.

Scholarships and Bursaries for Indigenous Students

Important Dates!

Scholarship Applications Due: Friday, April 19, 2024

Schools may have their own due dates


Scholarships Applications Adjudicated by School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake)

Other Opportunities


Important Dates!

District Application deadline for 2023/2024 are Friday, April 19, 2024 (schools may be setting their own application deadlines)

Adjudication Dates for 2023/2024 are May 6, 7, 8, 9, 2024


To earn a scholarship, students must apply and:

1. Meet the basic eligibility requirements

2. Meet criteria determined by the local scholarship committee, which requires a student to demonstrate outstanding achievement in any ONE of the following areas:

  • Indigenous Language & Culture
     -Demonstrated at school or in the community. Applicants must be of Indigenous ancestry.
  • Fine Arts
    (e.g. Visual Arts, Drama, Music)
  • Applied Design, Skills, & Technology
    (e.g. Business, Technology, Home Economics, Information Communication Technology, Technology Education)
  • Physical Activity
    (e.g. Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, not limited to Physical Education)
  • International Language
     - International Languages Curriculum or External Assessments, including AP and IB courses
  • Community Service 
    (Volunteer Activity) which includes demonstration of local and global issues and intercultural awareness
  • Technical & Trades Training
    (e.g. Carpentry, Automotive, Woodwork, Mechanics, Cook Training)

3.   Fulfill the B.C. graduation requirements of either the Graduation Program
or the Adult Graduation Program by August 31st of your graduating year.

Three Year Grad Plans

BC Excellence Scholarships

The 2023/2024 BC Excellence Scholarship Application is now available online

Application Deadline is TBD

There are 55 BC Excellence Scholarships available to recognize well-rounded B.C. graduates. Winners will have demonstrated service and leadership, both at school and in their communities, and shown aptitude and commitment to their chosen career paths. They will receive a $5000 voucher to use for post-secondary tuition.

For nomination information, eligibility requirements, evaluation information, and how to apply, please visit the BC Excellence Scholarships webpage

Claiming your Scholarship

If you have any questions or concerns with respect to your District Authority Scholarship voucher, please contact the Ministry of Education here

To claim School District No.8 (Kootenay Lake) scholarship awards email a letter of request to  and include a program acceptance letter at post-secondary school, a copy of your award letter, tuition receipts and a social insurance number (If you prefer you can submit your SIN through confidential voice mail by calling 250-505-7056).