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Did you know . . .

As a parent or guardian, you are responsible for expenses for student injuries that happen on school grounds or during school activities? Your child is not insured through the school district.

You have the option of insuring your child for unexpected accidents that occur while they are at school or elsewhere. 

SD8 recommends that parents consider contacting an insurance provider or broker to find a company and a plan that suits your family’s individual needs for accident insurance. Any insurance provider or broker in your community can provide more information. You can also find consumer advice at the Insurance Council of B.C. 

Below are two options for voluntary purchase of student accident insurance, listed for your convenience. This list is not exhaustive, but offers two commonly used B.C. insurance providers specializing in student accident optional insurance. 

Family Accident Reimbursement Insurance Program

The Family Accident Reimbursement Insurance program is underwritten by Industrial Alliance and Financial Services Inc. 

The accident policy that is issued is for “Family Coverage” and benefits an adult, spouse and any number of dependent children under eligibility definitions stated per the attached coverage details and limits.  This is blanket coverage and is not restricted or limited to school activities.  This insurance is available for any and all family activities.

To arrange optional coverage: 
Call toll free: 1.800.266.5667 during these business hours, Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PST

Email:  Industrial Alliance Insurance

Learn more at:

Insuremykids® Student Accident Insurance

Insuremykids® Student Accident Insurance is underwritten by Old Republic Insurance Company of Canada.

Insure my kids accident insurance offers protection against the potentially high costs of serious injury from unexpected accidents and is especially valuable for families who:

  • do not have medical or dental plans, 
  • have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or 
  • have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities. 

For more information, or to apply online, please visit

or speak with an Old Republic Insurance Company of Canada Customer Service Representative at 1-800-463-5437