Below are the current adopted Policies of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake).
New Policies and Policy Revisions:
To propose a new policy or policy revision, please complete and submit a Policy Pro Forma.
View current draft policies.
See Policy 160: Policy Development below for more details.
- Bylaw #1 - Student/Parent Appeal
- Bylaw #2 - Local School Calendar
- Bylaw #3 - Indemnification of Employees and Trustees
- Bylaw #4 - Trustee Elections
Section 100: Governance
- Policy 110: Vision and Mission Statement
- Policy 111: Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of Education
- Policy 112: Governing Principles
- Policy 113: Board Evaluation and Monitoring
- Policy 114: Delegation of Authority
- Policy 115: Superintendent of Schools/CEO Roles and Responsibilities
- Policy 116: Superintendent of Schools/CEO Evaluation
- Policy 120: Board Meeting Procedures
- Policy 121: Committees of the Board of Education
- Policy 123: Board Representation and Liaison
- Policy 124: Minute Taking Standards for Board and Committee Minutes
- Policy 130: Trustee Code of Conduct
- Policy 131: Trustee Indemnity
- Policy 132: Trustee Expenses
- Policy 140: Communication Protocol for Trustees
- Policy 141: Advocacy for Public Education
- Policy 150: Professional Learning for Trustees
- Policy 151: BCSTA Membership
- Policy 160: Policy Development
- Policy 170: Human Resources
- Policy 171: Sexual Orientation Gender Identity
- Policy 172: Anti-Racism and Cultural Safety
- Policy 190: Temporary Superintendent Succession
Section 300: Students
Section 400: Instruction and School Organization
- Policy 410: School Choice and Catchment
- Policy 411: Schools and Programs of Choice
- Policy 430: Fees, Deposits and Financial Hardship
- Policy 450: Equitable and Inclusive Educational Services for Learners
- Policy 460: Language
- Policy 480: Parent Advisory Councils/District Parent Advisory Council
- Policy 490: School Closure
Section 600: Finance and Business Operations
- Policy 610: Fiscal Management
- Policy 615: Board Signing Authority
- Policy 620: Budget Development, Monitoring and Reporting
- Policy 621: Accumulated Operating Surplus
- Policy 640: Acquisition and Disposal of Board Assets
- Policy 641: Gifts
- Policy 642: Procurement and Purchasing
- Policy 650: Disposal of Real Property and Improvements
- Policy 660: Provision of Child Care
- Policy 680: Business, Service Group, and Community Sponsorship and Partnerships
Section 700: Facility Operations and Transportation
- Policy 730: Pesticides
- Policy 740: Playground Equipment
- Policy 750: Heritage
- Policy 770: Student Transportation
- Policy 791: Naming / Re-Naming of Schools & Facilities
Section 800: Privacy, Information and Communication
Administrative Procedures Index
Section 1000 - General Administration
- AP 1000 - Strategic Plan, Enhancing Student Learning Report, and Continuous Learning Monitoring Cycle
- AP 1001 - School Learning Plans
- AP 1002 - School Calendar Approval Process
- AP 1101 - Sexual Orientation Gender Identity (SOGI)
- AP 1104 - District Parent's Advisory Council
- AP 1106 - Parent Involvement in Education
- AP 1201 - Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technology
- AP 1202 - Critical Incident and Privacy Breach
- AP 1203 - Use of Personal Devices for District Work
- AP 1204 - Cell Phones & Personal Electronic Devices
- AP 1206 - Student and Employee Personal Privacy on the Internet
- AP 1207 - Advertising, Canvassing and Commercial Solicitation
- AP 1209 - Return of School District Property
- AP 1300 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
- AP 1301 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Designation of Head
- AP 1304 - Employee Records
- AP 1305 - Data Retention
- AP 1306 - Copyright
- AP 1307 - Personal Information Management Program
- AP 1308 - Privacy Impact Assessments
- AP 1310 - Communication
- AP 1311 - Social Media for Learning
- AP 1312 - Media Relations
- AP 1315 - Maintenance of Order
- AP 1400 - Activity During Election Periods
- AP 1401 - Event Protocol
- AP 1402 - Visit Protocol
- AP 1403 - Graduation Celebrations
- AP 1404 - Flag Protocol
- AP 1405 - Memorials for Deceased Members of the School Community
- AP 1503 - Animals in Schools for Curricular Purposes
- AP 1504 - Assistance Dogs
- AP 1505 - Heritage
- AP 1506 - Office of the Ombudsperson Referral
- AP 1600 - Emergency Preparedness
- AP 1601 - School Bus Accident
- AP 1602 - Winter Conditions
- AP 1603 - Emergency Student Dismissal and or School Closure
Section 2000 - Instructional Programs and Materials
- AP 2004 - Sensitive Issues and Alternate Delivery of Curriculum
- AP 2006 - National Anthem
- AP 2101 - Language
- AP 2103 - Work Experience and Youth Work in Trades
- AP 2109 - Online Learning
- AP 2110 - French Immersion
- AP 2111 - Outdoor Education Programs
- AP 2112 - School Library / Learning Commons
- AP 2113 - Kootenay Lake International Program
- AP 2200 - Learning Resources: Selection, Challenge and Reconsideration
- AP 2202 - Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Courses
- AP 2203 - Scholarships and Bursaries
- AP 2300 - Student Field Trips
- AP 2301 - Student Eligibility for Extra-Curricular Activities
- AP 2302 - Community Coaches
- AP 2303 - Volunteers
- AP 2400 - Home Schooling
- AP 2401 - Research
- AP 2402 - Specialty Programs/Academies
Section 3000 - Students
- AP 3000 - District Code of Conduct
- AP 3100 - Eligibility for Ministry Funded Enrolment
- AP 3101 - School Choice, Student Transfer, and Catchment
- AP 3102 - Supervision of Students
- AP 3105 - Student Withdrawal From School, Program, or Course
- AP 3111 - Exclusion of a Student
- AP 3112 - Nominal Roll and Students Living on Reserve
- AP 3203 - Care and Handling of Sick or Injured Students at School
- AP 3202 - Provision of Menstrual Products to Students
- AP 3204 - Student Medication
- AP 3205 - Anaphylaxis
- AP 3207 - Head Lice
- AP 3300 - Student Records
- AP 3303 - Duty of Care
- AP 3304 - Child Abuse & Neglect
- AP 3305 - Student Attendance
- AP 3306 - Police Investigations in Schools
- AP 3307 - Searches of Students
- AP 3308 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students
- AP 3309 - Student Suspension
- AP 3310 - Illegal Use of Drugs and Alcohol
- AP 3311 - Vandalism
- AP 3312 - Possession of Weapons or Explosives
- AP 3401 - Student Assessment and Promotion
- AP 3402 - British Columbia School Completion (Evergreen) Certificate
- AP 3403 - Challenge for Course Credit
- AP 3404 - Equivalency Credit
- AP 3406 - Provision of Child Care
Section 4000 - Personnel and Employee Relations
- AP 4000 - Employee Code of Conduct
- AP 4001 - Respectful Workplace Program
- AP 4002 - Anti-Racism and Cultural Safety
- AP 4004 Sexual Misconduct
- AP 4104 - Appointment of Principals and Vice-Principals
- AP 4107 - Staff Resignations
- AP 4108 - Relocation Assistance for Senior Leadership
- AP 4110 - Criminal Records Check
- AP 4113 - Confidential Medical Records
- AP 4114 - Public Interest Disclosure Act
- AP 4200 - Health and Safety in the Workplace
- AP 4201 - First Aid Process
- AP 4203 - Prevention of Violence in the Workplace
- AP 4205 - Work in Sensitive Locations
- AP 4207 - Near Miss Incidents
- AP 4209 - Communicable Disease
- AP 4210 - Smoke and Vape Free Environment
- AP 4211 - Scent Considerate Environment
- AP 4300 - Administrative Organization Plan
- AP 4301 - Excluded Staff Salaries and Benefits
- AP 4302 - Role of the Secretary-Treasurer
Section 5000 - Business Administration
- AP 5001 - Corporate Identity
- AP 5010 - Budget Monitoring and Reporting
- AP 5011 - Annual Budget
- AP 5012 - Financial Reporting and Audits
- AP 5013 - Investments
- AP 5014 - Education Partnerships, Corporate Sponsorships and Donation Agreements
- AP 5015 - School Generated Funds
- AP 5016 - Procurement
- AP 5017 - Corporate Credit Cards
- AP 5020 - School Inventories
- AP 5030 - Reimbursement of Travel Expenses
- AP 5060 - Student Fees, Deposits, and Financial Hardship
- AP 5110 - Accumulated Operating Surplus
- AP 5140 - Overnight Accommodation
- AP 5150 - Signing Authority
- AP 5190 - Disposal of Real Property and Improvements
- AP 5310 - Liability Insurance
- AP 5612 - Transportation for Independent School Students
- AP 5620 - Transportation Assistance
- AP 5900 - Board-Owned Vehicles
- AP 5901 - Asbestos
- AP 5902 - Adjustment of Number of Classrooms
- AP 5903 - Video Surveillance
- AP 5904 - Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
1.0 Inclusive Education Overview
1.1 What is Inclusive Education
1.2 Inclusive Education General Guidelines
1.3 School and District Structures
1.3.1 Parent Information for Special Education Designations and Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and Diverse Abilities
1.4 District Inclusive Education Descriptions
1.5 School Inclusive Education Descriptions
1.6 Inclusive Education Staff List
1.7 Non-Enrolling Staff in Schools List
1.8 Inclusive Education Staff Schedules
2.0 Inclusive Education General Procedures
2.1 File Management Guidelines
2.2 Confidentiality Guidelines
2.2.1 Consent for Release of Confidential Information
2.2.2 Parent Consent for Consultation
2.2.3 Parent Consent for an Academic Assessment (Level B)
2.2.4 Parent Consent to Use Electronic Communications to Provide Telepractice Services
2.3 OT and PT School-Aged Referral and Service Guidelines
2.3.1 OT Referral Checklist for SBT's
2.4 Working with Community Agencies
2.5 Community Service and Privately Contracted Service Providers Protocol
2.5.1 Intake Form Creston Early Childhood Services
2.6 Partial Day Program for Students Form
2.7 Allocations of Resources to Schools (2023/2024 Information)
2.7.1 SISAR Form
2.8 Inclusive Education Timeline 2023-2024
3.0 Inclusive Support Planning and Audit Preparation
3.1 Tasks and Timelines - Elementary
3.2 Tasks and Timelines - Secondary
3.3 Student Binder Audit Checklist Category A, B
3.4 Student Binder Audit Checklist Category C, D, E, F, G
3.4.a BC Pediatric Society Diagnosis Verification Form
3.5 Student Binder Audit Checklist Category H
3.6 Student Binder Audit Checklist Category K, Q, P, R
3.7 What is an Inclusive Education Plan
3.8 IEP Adaptations and Modifications
3.9 IEP Reporting on Students with Disabilities and Diverse Abilities
3.10 Grade Retention and Reporting Student Progress
3.11 Academic Referral Checklist for SBT's
3.12 Behaviour Referral Checklist for SBT's
3.12.1 Category H Audit Plan
3.13 IEP Meeting Minutes Template
3.14 Competency Based IEP - A Meeting Guide Form
3.15 My IEP Learning Profile
3.16 Strength Based Student Profile
3.17 Universal Classroom Supports for Access
3.18 Essential Supports for Access
3.19 Who Am I Profile
4.0 School- and District-Based Teams
4.1 Student Planning Process
4.2 School- and District-Based Team Overview
4.3 School-Based Team Procedures
4.4 School-Based Team Referral Template 1
4.5 School-Based Team Referral Template 2
4.6 School-Based Team Notes on Referrals
4.7 School-Based Team Tracking Document Template 1
4.8 School-Based Team Tracking Document Template 2
4.9 School Referral to District-Based Team
4.10 Referral to District Psychology Services Referral Form
4.11 Interagency Case Management Overview
4.12 ICM Meeting Sign In Sheet Template
4.13 Interagency Review Plan Summary
4.14 School Overview of External Support
5.0 Special Education Assistive Technology and Inclusion Planning
5.1 Assistive Technology Implementation Form
5.2 Assistive Technology Service Plan Form
6.0 Student Health
6.1 Anaphylaxis
6.2 Medication
6.3 Diabetes Care
6.4 Seizure Care
6.5 Medical Conditions and Medical Alerts
6.5.1 Medical Alert Planning Form
6.6 Headlice
6.7 Communicable Diseases
7.0 Student Transitions
7.1 Kindergarten Transition Planning
7.2 Transition Planning for Youth with Disabilities and Diverse Abilities
7.3 Transition Guide: School Completion Certificate
7.4 Transition Guide: Supplemental Visual Support
7.5 Transition Information for Resources for Graduating Students with Diverse Needs
7.6 Universal Support for Provincial Graduation Assessments Guidelines
7.6.1 Universal Support for Provincial Graduation Assessments Form
7.6.2 Information for Post-Secondary Institutions Form
8.0 Behaviour and Safety Planning
8.1 What is Behaviour?
8.2 What is Functional Behaviour?
8.3 What is a Functional Behaviour Plan?
8.4 FAIRS Behaviour Plan Template
8.4.1 ABC Behaviour Tracking Template
8.5 Peer Conflict, Mean Behaviour, and Bullying: What's the Difference?
8.6 (under construction)
8.7 erase Training Guidelines for Principals
8.8 Physical Restraint and Seclusion Information
8.10 Record of Nonviolent Crisis Intervention of a Student
8.11 Problematic Sexual Behaviour for Students Under 12 Flow Chart
8.12 Problematic Sexual Behaviour for Students Under 12 Levels of Sexual Behaviour
8.13 Problematic Sexual Behaviour for Students Under 12 Sexual Development by Developmental Age
8.14 Problematic Sexual Behaviour for Students Under 12 Response Plan
8.15 Employee Safety Planning Manual
8.15.1 Employee Safety Plan Flow Chart
8.15.2 Workplace Violent Incident Report
8.15.3 Workplace Risk Assessment (WRA)
8.15.4 Employee Safety Plan Template
9.0 District Programs
9.1 English Language Learner Program
9.1.1 Audit Checklist for Items for 1701 ELL Audit Compliance
9.2 Alternate Education Program Referral
9.3 Hospital Homebound Services Referral
9.4 Hospital Homebound Services Report
9.5 ELL Program FAQ
10.0 Ministry of Education (Inclusive Education), Provincial, and Other Agency Resource Programs
10.1 Ministry Category Definitions
10.2 Ministry of Education Special Education Category Checklists (2010)
10.3 Planning Tools - Physical Disabilities of Chronic Health (D)
10.4 Planning Tools - Autistic Spectrum Disorder (G)
10.5 Planning Tools - Behaviour Intervention or Mental Health (H)
10.6 Planning Tools - Learning Disabilities (Q)
10.7 Planning Tools - Intellectual Disabilities (C/K)
10.8 Provincial Outreach Programs
10.9 Other Agency Programs
11.0 Child and Youth Protection
11.1 Continuing Custody Orders (CCOs) for Children and Youth in Care
11.2 Care Plan for Students with CCOs
11.3 Data Collection Sheet for Students with CCOs
11.4 Asset Checklists
11.5 Checklist - Child or Youth in Care Change in School
11.6 Checklist - Child or Youth in Care Change in Living Arrangement
11.7 What To Do if You Think a Child is Being Abused or Neglected
11.8 Directions on CYIC in MyEdBC
12.0 Critical Incidence
12.1 Critical Incident Resource Manual
13.0 Behavioural and Digital Threat Assessment Management (BDTAM)
13.1 Interagency BDTAM Protocol and Procedures
13.2 BDTAM Model Overview
13.3 BDTAM Flowchart
13.4 Principal's Checklist for Immediate Threat
13.5 When to Activate the BDTAM Protocol
13.6 Determining Level of Risk
13.7 Stage One BDTAM Report Form
13.8 Stage Two BDTAM Report Form
13.9 Stage Three BDTAM Report Form
13.10 Worrisome Behaviour Procedures and Assessment
13.11 Letter of Fair Notice for Parents and Students from Superintendent
13.12 Additional BDTAM Resources
13.12.1 Guidelines for Staff Dealing with Traumatic Events
13.13 BDTAM Confidential Release
14.0 Resources
14.1 SD8 Community Resources Brochure
14.2 Classroom Adaptation Strategies for Teachers
14.3 Vision Best Practices
14.4 Interior Health Resources